The Role Of The Core Trainee Rep

As the Core Trainee Representative for the Severn deanery my role is to listen to and represent, the voices of trainees and to highlight specific important issues that matter to them and their training. I act as an intermediary between the trainees and the Deanery, attending meetings with the school board as well as with the TPD, postgraduate tutors and senior medical education staff from the different trusts. I have a responsibility to question and to gather views from the core trainee group in response to ideas and policies that may be being considered within the Deanery, and which will affect Core Training.  It is a role that enables me to work beyond the limits of my geographical locality and clinical role, to help all the trainees across the region feel part of an important and cohesive group. I am aware of the importance of this particularly for those trainees who are placed outside Bristol. 

This role has allowed me to gain first-hand experience of a managerial role and to gain an insight into the ways in which decisions regarding our training are raised, debated and implemented by our senior colleagues. There are opportunities for quality improvement projects as well as to form part of the important induction process that takes place at the beginning of CT1. I have felt that the training in Severn has been on the whole fantastic, and I would like to think that part of continuing their high standards and to maintain a reputation amongst trainees and prospective applicants to Psychiatry, is the inclusion and openness to listen to and embrace the views and opinions of those they are supporting.


Core Trainee rep:

Dr Ahmed Sharafeldin